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Junior Cycle

New Junior Cycle


CBAs: Classroom-Based Assessments
AT: Assessment Task
SLAR: Subject Learning & Assessment Review

The new Junior Cycle spreads assessment throughout the three years of Junior Cycle giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning away from the exam hall. The CBAs will take place in second year and third year. Each CBA is different, but they focus around project work, presentations and experiments. They are a form of continuous assessment and the results of CBAs will be recognised on each student’s official Junior Cycle certificate; the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). Subject teachers will explain the Classroom-Based Assessment procedures in more detail in second year, but you will find that teachers will practice the skills required for the CBAs throughout Junior Cycle. The CBAs are reported on using the following descriptors;

➢ Exceptional
➢ Above Expectations
➢ In-Line with Expectations
➢ Yet to Meet Expectations

If a CBA is not completed/submitted by a student in a particular subject, this will be recorded as ‘NOT REPORTED’ on their official Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). This means that the student did not complete the required CBA for Junior Cycle Assessment.

Subject Learning & Assessment Review (SLAR)

Following the completion of a CBA in each subject a “Subject Learning & Assessment Review” (SLAR) meeting is organised. During this meeting teachers compare their assessment of students’ work and
ensure a common approach across the school that aligns to a national standard.

Assessment Tasks (AT)

In third year after completing the CBA2 each student will complete a short classroom assessment called the Assessment Task. This is worth 10% of the final grade in that subject. It is marked by the State Examination Commission and takes place within the normal school timetable.

Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs) and Assessment Tasks

1. As CBAs are reported on in each student’s Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) it is vital that students and parents note the dates of the CBAs and do their very best to ensure student’s attendance within the set timetable. Parents should be aware that that teachers must input results promptly after a CBA has been completed.

2. Students may have to attend important extra-curricular events during the CBA timeframes; therefore, they should take responsibility themselves to catch up on any work missed due to such absences.

3. Students should note that while they may be allowed to attend important extra-curricular activities during the CBAs, they must attend for their Assessment Tasks.

While it is necessary to establish rules around the CBAs and ATs, it is also important to reflect on how they both support and consolidate each student’s learning. The CBAs will allow each student to work over a period of time supported by the feedback from their teachers and others, ensuring that they can produce their best work.

Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement

This replaces the old Junior Certificate that students received in September.

Classroom Based Assessment

Classroom based assessment that takes place in 2nd and 3rd Year.

Other Areas of Learning

3-5 statements of learning that will appear on the JCPA.

These are linked to the statements of learning & key skills of the Junior Cycle.

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