Cinnírí System
The Cinnirí system is something we are very proud of in St. Mogue’s College. This team of young people volunteer their time and skills to play an important role in our school community. The students take on leadership roles and use their individual talents and strengths to carry out duties and help promote the ethos of the school by supporting staff and students in everyday tasks, events and initiatives all of which enhance the positive atmosphere we have in St. Mogue’s College.
These students act on our behalf and carry out a variety of duties during lunchtime, before and after school and at school events organising and involving themselves in sporting, cultural, pastoral and mentoring duties. The Cinnire system encourages students to shine while providing opportunities to work off their own initiative an important life skill.
Nomination Process
Students must fill in an application form before going through a formal interview process before being selected for their role. They will receive leadership training to assist them in their duties.
14 Cinnirí will be ambassadors for our school. They strive to make our school a safe and exciting place to learn through their specific roles.
International Students-Senior Cycle (1)
International Students-Junior Cycle (1)
Communications & Public Relations -announcements, posters, reports, photographs (1)
Junior Boys (1) Junior Girls (1)
Senior Boys (1) Senior Girls (1)
Well Being (2) M/F
Environment (2) M/F
Charity/Fundraising (1)
Events (2) M/F